form_factor_table module¶
Form factors and scattering vs. resolution.
Usage: import form_factor_table (main program performs rudimentary test).
Module author: Michael S. Chapman <>
Module author: Andrew Trzynka <>
- Authors:
Michael S. Chapman <>
Oregon Health & Science University & University of Missouri
- Version:
1, Nov 26, 2024
Changed in version 2/11/10: Started
Changed in version 0.3.7: 11/25/12
Changed in version 0.5.0: 4/30/15 restructured text documentation.
Changed in version 1.0.0: 11/18/20 Python 2.7 –> 3.6
- class form_factor_table.FormFactorTable(source)¶
Scattering factors obtained from a resolution-dependent look-up table.
Several tables supported: x-ray, neutron & electron scattering, determined empirically or through quantum calculation by others.
Loads one of several form factor tables ready to support look-up:
“XTNT” - X-ray scattering factors from TNT distribution.
“XCCP4” - X-ray scattering factors from the CCP4 distribution.
“NCCP4” - Neutron scattering factors from the CCP4 distribution.
“ERSRef” - (Few-atom) Electron scattering factors from RSRef EM (unknown attribution).
“ELECTRON” - Electron scattering factors, neutral atoms, Int. Tab.
Excellent introduction to electron scattering factors in Int. Tables Vol.C sect 4.3.2 (p.262).
- Parameters:
source (str) – defines which of the supported tables (above) is used.
- class Counter¶
Counter for references to each entry in form-factor table.
- increment(name)¶
- at_dstar(dstar, atom_type='C', type_num=None, b=0.0)¶
Form factor at d*.
- Parameters:
atom_type (str)
type_num (int) – number corresponding to atom_type, takes predence over atom_type unless “None”.
b (float) – temperature factor (including overall B / envelope function), Å2
- Returns:
form factor at d*.
- Return type:
- at_dstar_array = <numpy.vectorize object>¶
- at_dstar_sq(dstar_sq, atom_type='C', type_num=None, b=0.0)¶
Form factor at d*2.
- Parameters:
atom_type (str)
type_num (int) – number corresponding to atom_type, takes predence over atom_type unless “None”.
b (float) – flaot temperature factor (including overall B / envelope function), Å2
- Returns:
form factor at d*2.
- Return type:
- at_dstar_sq_array = <numpy.vectorize object>¶
- at_s(s, atom_type='C', type_num=None, b=0.0)¶
Form factor at S.
- Parameters:
atom_type (str)
type_num (int) – number corresponding to atom_type, takes predence over atom_type unless “None”.
b (float) – temperature factor (including overall B / envelope function), Å2
- Returns:
form factor at S=sin(θ/λ).
- Return type:
- at_s_array = <numpy.vectorize object>¶
- at_s_sq(s_sq, atom_type='C', type_num=None, b=0.0)¶
Form factor at S2.
- Parameters:
atom_type (str)
type_num (int) – number corresponding to atom_type, takes predence over atom_type unless “None”.
b (float float) – temperature factor (including overall B / envelope function), Å2
- Returns:
form factor at S2 = (sin(θ/λ))2
- Return type:
- at_s_sq_array = <numpy.vectorize object>¶
- findtype(atom_type=None, atom_name=None, verbose=True)¶
Find the formfactor atom type that is the best match.
- Parameters:
atom_type (str) – from the input coordinates.
atom_name (str) – optional IUPAC or other name.
verbose (bool) – print warning messages for ambigous names.
- Returns:
new type:
(silently) atom_type if there is an exact match.
(silently) atom_type pseudonym (eg. Ca++ for Ca2+) if exists.
(silently) results of prior match of the same atom_type/_name.
(w/ warning) 1st non-ambiguous match as the common part of atom_type and atom_name is progressively shortened. (Avoiding accidental matches such as CD (delta) to Cadmium.)
(w/ warning) 1st non-ambigous match to a shortened atom_type if there are no characters in common with atom_name.
Exception if none found.
- Return type:
- name2type(atom_name='C', shorten=True, verbose=True, exception=True)¶
Best guess of atom type from atom name.
- Parameters:
atom_name (str) – IUPAC or other name (or arbitrary string).
shorten (bool) – shorten atom_name until a match is found.
exception (bool) – throw an exception if no match, else return None.
verbose (bool) – print warning messages for ambigous names.
- Returns:
atom type or None
- Return type:
- recognized(atom_name='C')¶
Checks if atom type in the form factor table.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- type_number(atom_type='C', atom_name=None)¶
Returns the index of the atom type in the form factor table.