map module¶
3D maps (electron density, coulombic potential…).
Module author: Michael S. Chapman <>
- Authors:
Michael S. Chapman <>
Oregon Health & Science University & University of Missouri
- Version:
1, Nov 26, 2024
Changed in version 0.1.0: 8/13/10 Started
Changed in version 0.5.0: 2/13/15 Xplor/CNS map support for Scale/Offset (aka RAve, RSigma).
Changed in version 0.5.0: 2/17/15 Maps written in Xplor/CNS format.
Changed in version 0.5.1: 8/11/15 Forgives missing Scale/Offset w/ warning.
Changed in version 1.0.0: 11/18/20 Python 2.7 –> 3.6
Changed in version 1.0.2: 01/17/21 mrcfile replacing bsoft for .mcr, .ccp4 input.
- class map.Arguments(imports=[], main=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Manager for command-line arguments from main and imported modules.
This is a template to be copied into modules, for the handling of command- line options.
methods export() and domestic() should be overridden by the module subclass with declarations of the command-line arguments needed by the module.
- Parameters:
imports ((list of) ArgumentParser(s)) – (list of) module(s) from which to obtain “parent” ArgumentParser objects for inclusion.
main (bool|NoneType) – Add information and arguments appropriate for a main program (or not); if None, will determine by whether this class is defined in __main__.
- domestic()¶
Defines options used only when main program and not when imported.
- export()¶
Defines options used in both stand-alone and imported modes.
- class map.Map¶
Container for general 3D density map and its properties.
Class allows great freedom in the choice of grid in terms of origin, grid steps and orientation. This means that any arbitrary volume (including negative coordinates, and those well outside the unit cell) can be represented with positive indices in the map array. Alignment with a crystal unit cell is possible, but not required. There is no implicit support for symmetry or periodicity.
- Variables:
density – in a row-major (C-like) array with slow, medium & fast axes
Initialize operators to interconvert map indices & orthogonal coords.
The forward operator consists of a scaling/rotation matrix and a vector which defines the position of the first map element ([0,0,0]). It will be constructed one of two ways, depending on which named arguments are provided:
Calculated from crystallographic parmeters if named argument
is provided - see methodfrom_unit_cell()
.Direct input of
(default) see methodnew()
Note: Most crystallographic maps are calculated on grids parallel to the unit cell axes, for which option 1 will be appropriate. However, this is not required here. If the density has been (re-)mapped to a different grid, or used an arbitrary grid placed over a non-periodic structure (electron microscopy), then option 2 would be appropriate. Indeed, some calculations may be more efficient following interpolation of crystallographic maps onto orthogonal grids (prior to this call).
- Variables:
~.orthog (numpy.matrix(shape=(3,3))) – matrix to scale/rotate grid to orthonormal Angstrom coord.
origin (numpy.matrix(shape=(3,1))) – translation of map origin to orthonormal Angstrom coordinates. Not sure that shape=(3,1); could be shape=(1,3).
orthoxyz (bool) – true if map grid orthonormal in (‘X’,’Y’,’Z’) orientation.
~.volume (float) – pixel volume (Angstrom^2).
spacing (ndarray(type=float, shape=3)) – perpendicular distances between faces [A, B, C] of the pixel.
orthonormal (bool) – True if pixel has orthonormal shape
- local_view(about=(3.0, 4.0, 5.0), extent=(1, 5, 5), verbose=True)¶
Reports density of map near “about”.
- Parameters:
about (tuple or array (3)) – Orthogonal Angstrom coordinates.
extent (tuple (3)) – Size of the viewing box.
verbose (bool) – print the density view.
- Returns:
(density-view, index of 1st corner, index of local maximum)
- Return type:
ndarray(type=float, shape=extent), tuple(3), tuple(3)
- zeros_like()¶
Creates a new empty map with the same gridding as self.
- Returns:
a deepcopy of map self on the same grid as self.
- Return type:
class Map
- class map.ReadMap(filename, permutation='ZYX', magnification=1.0, new_cell=None, normalize=True, verbose=False)¶
Container for a map read from an external file.
- Variables:
density – in a row-major (C-like) array with slow, medium & fast axes
.header – documentation
abc_grid – ((a_cell, a_min, a_max), (b_cell, b_min, b_max), (c_cell, c_min, c_max)), containing, for each crystal axis, the number of grid spaces per unit cell, the first and last in the map. The number of grid spaces is the number of grid points less one, if the last is the repeat of the zeroth (a closed cell), or the number of grid points for an open cell.
space_group (int or NoneType) – number, if provided by map format
Reads an external map into memory.
The header is parsed and stored in file-type specific attributes, such as self.abc_grids. Information is also converted into Map instance attributes that are universal across all map formats.
- Parameters:
permutation (str) – which axes align with the (slow, medium, fast) indices of the map array? Ignored for Xplor (as read from the map). Some other maps support different permutations (eg. ccp4), but bsoft does not appear to extract the information from the header.
magnification (float) – > 1.0 increase the object’s (EM) magnification by decreasing the map (pixel) dimensions, equivalent to reducing unit cell size.
new_cell (tuple(6 x float) or NoneType) – Unit cell parameters to use instead of map header. Use very carefully, as could affect map-model compatibility.
normalize (bool) – scale to mean of 0.0 and standard deviation of 1.0 x pixel volume
verbose (bool) – echo file name etc.
- Variables:
permutation (list(str)) – eg [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’] required for xplor format.
unit_cell (list(float)) – (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma; Angstrom & degrees)
_magnification (float) – cumulative magnification that has been applied.
~.scale (float) – internal values of density are (file values) * scale + offset
offset (float) – internal values of density are (file values) * scale + offset
- class Scale¶
Maintains relation: density values = (file values) * scale + offset
- input(density, scale, offset)¶
Input new coefficients and overwrite density w/ scaled values
- Parameters:
density (ndarray) – unscaled values directly from input file
scale (float) – density values to be first multiplied by this
offset (float) – this value then to be added
- Return internal:
- Rtype ndarray:
- output(density, original_scale=True, magnification=None)¶
Output density, scaled by the input coefficients.
- Parameters:
density (ndarray) – internally-saved density values
original_scale (bool) – put map back on scale approximately matching input, undoing normalization & scaling to model (if relevant).
magnification (float or NoneType) – rescale output to maintain the same total number of electrons through specified change in magnification.
- Return out, scale, offset:
density ready for output & coefficients
- Rtype ndarray, float, float:
- allow_no_file = False¶
- Variables:
allow_no_file (bool) – allow limited functionality without a map file
- compare(other, atol=1e-05, rtol=0.05)¶
Are two ReadMap objects the same, all elements close?
- Parameters:
other (ReadMap)
atol (float or NoneType) – Absolute tolerance in map element values.
rtol (float or NoneType) – Relative tolerance in map element values.
- Returns:
True if same
- Return type:
Tolerance is assessed as in numpy.testing.assert_allclose.
- from_bsoft(filename, verbose=True)¶
Read map from variety of file formats using bsoft.
- Parameters:
filename (string) – file name
verbose (bool) – diagnostics printed
Deprecated since version 1.0.2: (1/16/21) Default reader for .mrc, .ccp4, .map, and .ccp files will become from_ccpem, using the mrcfile package. This will remove the dependence on an extension to a legacy version of bsoft (v1.9.2). Bsoft does support a wider array of formats, so there will be ongoing evaluation of the need to maintain with the dependency no longer consider required. Thus, consider deprecated in part.
acell, bcell & ccell from our bsoft interface are wrong, and look like the numbers of grid points in each direction. Have kluged, recalculating from the mx, my, mz and the spacings, issuing a warning. I am not aware that this has been a problem for RSRef, so this may have been a “sleeper” bug. Note that the kluged values can be over-ridden with the new_cell argument when intializing
BSoft assumes a (1, 2, 3) map orientation (x fastest, z sections) and ignores any header information that indicates a different orientation. This has been a convention in EM, as referenced in bsoft.bsoft.i.
- from_ccpem(filename, verbose=True)¶
Read MRC/CCP4 map using CCP-EM python library.
- Parameters:
filename (string) – file name
verbose (bool) – diagnostics printed
Format definition is in:, with an accompanying paper. Appears that the format is intended to maintain compatibility between EM and macromolecular crystallography. Installation etc.: . Source documentation: .
Burnley T, Palmer C & Winn M (2017) Recent developments in the CCP-EM software suite. Acta Cryst. D73:469–477. doi: 10.1107/S2059798317007859
01/15/21 Seeking clarity on map permutation
The following is important only for maps that are not in the usual orientation of (mapc, mapr, maps) = (1, 2, 3) for factional coordinate x along the crystallographic a-axis changing (fastest) with column, y along b with row, and z along c slowest with section.
The format documentation makes it clear that (NX, NY, NZ) refer to (columns/fast, rows/medium, sections/slow) respectively, so these variables might, more aptly be named (NC, NR, NS) as in the legacy format definition and there appears no intent to associate with specific crystal axes.
(NXSTART, NYSTART, NZSTART) cannot be “locations … in unit cell” (as documented). From, and also the legacy format definition, it appears that these integers are the grid coordinates of the first pixel of the map array. Both new & old format definitions indicate column, row & section, so we should probably ignore any inference of crystallographic axes (x, y, z) in the variable names. Indeed, in the legacy format definition, these words in the header are more appropriately named: NCSTART, NRSTART, NSSTART.
(MX, MY, MZ) appear to be the number of voxels that would span each direction for a full unit cell. Both current & legacy format descriptions as well as module
state that these pertain to the (x, y, z) directions. This is inconsistent with multiple examples in EM programs, comparing NZ and MZ without permuting the axes. So it appears that either:EM software has diverged from crystallographic such that the format is common only for (MAPC, MAPR, MAPS) = (1, 2, 3).
The documentation for (MX, MY, MZ) is incorrect, and these really refer to column, row and section directions.
abc_grid and subsequent calculation of matrices that map cartesian Angstrom coordinates to map grid space require hashing of the map header parameters according to the map permuation parameters (mapc, mapr, maps). If the documentation for (mx, my, mz) is correct, then (mx, my, mz) would be the exception to hashing, because they already corresond to the (x, y, z) or (a, b, c) directions respectively.
When such hashing is assumed for all header parameters except (mx, my, mz), map-model correlation remains high for a test map that is re-oriented using the crystallographic program mapman.
If we assume that the test validates our interpretation, this would mean that MZ and NZ would not be comparable for permuations other than (mapc, mapr, maps) = (1, 2, 3). It therefore seems that (some or all) EM programs assume a (1, 2, 3) orientation, apparently acknowledged in sources cited in bsoft.bsoft.i, perhaps explaining why variables once called (NC, NR, NS) are now (nx, ny, nz) in the mrcfile definition. With a unified format, the new notation will confusing for crystallographic applications that should support multiple map orientations.
It is unclear whether any EM software supports map writing in different orientations, and whether the header is then written correctly. Clarification has been sought from ccpem (1/15/21), and until then a warning is written for all non-(1, 2, 3) orientations that poor model-map agreement could be the result of an incorrect header in an EM map.
- from_file(filename, verbose=True)¶
Read map from a variety of file types.
If no file name provided, prepare for a minimalist run.
- Parameters:
filename (str)
verbose (bool)
- Returns:
map read successfully.
- Return type:
Changed in version 1.0.1: Default reader for .ccp4, .mrc, .ccp & .map files is switched from bsoft to ccpem (mrcfile). To override and use bsoft, within program, execute the following within the python interpreter::
from pasto import map
- from_xplor(filename, verbose=True)¶
Read from X-plor formatted file.
- Parameters:
filename (string) – file name
verbose (bool) – diagnostics printed
- magnify(magnification=1.0)¶
Change the (EM) magnification.
- Parameters:
magnification (float) – values > 1.0 increase the object’s (EM) magnification by decreasing the map (pixel) dimensions, equivalent to reducing unit cell size.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- to_file(filename, verbose=True)¶
Write map to a variety of file types.
- Parameters:
filename (str)
verbose (bool)
- Returns:
map written successfully.
- Return type:
- to_xplor(filename, autodoc=False, verbose=True)¶
Write to X-plor formatted file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – file name
autodoc (bool) – appends to header, file name, program, date, user
verbose (bool) – diagnostics printed
The final line of xplor/cns map files is often mis-understood with some programs setting offset & scale (RAVE & RSIGMA in CNS) arbitrarily to 0.0 & 1.0 (incl. phenix), others ignoring the line. CNS xmread.f:312 shows stored density = input * RSIGMA + RAVE and CNS xmwrite.f:600 output density = (stored - RAVE) / RSIGMA. RAVE and RSIGMA should usually be the average, standard deviation for a crystal asymmetric unit, which is why they do not match the average & standard deviation for some arbitrary map volume. CNS print statements suggest that densities are on an absolute (e/Å3) scale, so RAVE, RSIGMA are converting between absolute and standard deviation scales. As our program supports maps of arbitrary volume, and does not consider asymmetric units, the appropriate values cannot be calculated. Values obtained from an input xplor/cns map will be used, optionally modified to maintain an absolute scale with changing magnification.
- use_mrcfile = True¶
- Variables:
use_mrcfile (bool) – ccp4/ccpem for .mrc, .ccp4, .ccp & .map maps, not bsoft