symmetry module¶
Expansion of molecular & crystal symmetry.
Direct stand-alone usage has been deprecated; see
Module author: Michael S. Chapman <>
- Authors:
Michael S. Chapman <>
Oregon Health & Science University & University of Missouri
Changed in version Start: 09/09/11
Changed in version 0.3.7: 11/04/11
Changed in version 0.5.0: 05/04/15 ReStructuredText docs
Changed in version 1.0.0: 11/06/20 Python 2.7 –> 3.6
- class symmetry.Arguments(imports=[], main=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Manager for command-line arguments from main and imported modules.
This is a template to be copied into modules, for the handling of command- line options.
methods export() and domestic() should be overridden by the module subclass with declarations of the command-line arguments needed by the module.
- Parameters:
imports ((list of) ArgumentParser(s)) – (list of) module(s) from which to obtain “parent” ArgumentParser objects for inclusion.
main (bool|NoneType) – Add information and arguments appropriate for a main program (or not); if None, will determine by whether this class is defined in __main__.
- domestic()¶
Defines options used only when main program and not when imported.
- export()¶
Defines options used in both stand-alone and imported modes.
- class symmetry.Cartesian_operator(name='', rotation=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], translation=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], verbose=True)¶
Rotation + translation in Cartesian space.
x’ = [R]x + t.
- Parameters:
rotation (numpy.matrix-like.shape(3,3)) – R - row-major 3x3 rotation matrix.
translation (numpy.matrix-like.shape(3,1)) – t - translation vector applied after rotation.
name (str) – optional name, 1st character used chain ID, 1st 4 characters used for PDB segid.
verbose (bool) – print information about operator.
- euler(verbose=False)¶
Euler rotation and axis from rotation matrix.
- Parameters:
verbose (bool) – print rotation & axis
- Returns:
(rotation (degrees), unit-vector-axis)
- Return type:
float, numpy.matrix.shape(3,1)
- isunit()¶
- Returns:
True if unit operator.
- Return type:
- class symmetry.Documentation¶
User-level documentation (imports).
- class symmetry.OldArguments(imports=[], main=False, *args, **kwargs)¶
Argument parser for symmetry.
- Parameters:
imports ((list of) ArgumentParser method(s)) – method(s) adding arguments to ArgumentParser instance. (Alternative to ArgumentParser parents w/ better maintained groups.)
main (bool) – Parser for main program (i.e. not listed within an ArgumentParser parents argument). Adds default program information.
- static export(self)¶
Adding options used in both stand-alone and imported modes.
- class symmetry.Symmetry(local=None, unit=True, space_group=None, cell=None, lattice_translations=1, distance=3.5, tolerance=0.5, completion=None, verbose=False)¶
Symmetry expansion of coordinates.
Changed in version 0.5.5: 10/20/15 Riding anisotropic Us supported. Tested by comparing traces of ANISOU PDB records for symmetry equivalents, and visual inspection of R3 expanded insulin.
For local symmetry, roughly O(NlogN) to find neighbors:
25 ms for 50 atom target
15 s for 4200 atom target
Re-expansion O(1), ~1 ms.
- Variables:
operators (tuple(int,int,int,int,int)) – indices of the operators used to generate each neighbor from unique (local, crystallographic, translation_a, b, c), noting that only local currently implemented.
~.neighbors (list(ndarray(type=bool))) – selection of atoms from unique that generate neighbors with the corresponding transformation from operators.
Initialize operators for expansion / set default neighbor criteria.
- Parameters:
local (list of N (
or tuple for instantiation ofCartesian_operator
).) – local (molecular) operators or None.unit (bool) – insert (if absent) and use the unit operator.
space_group (str or NoneType) – (optionally shortened) Hermann-Mauguin symbol with ‘:setting’ appended (if required; see
, or None.cell (tuple(6) or numpy.matrix-like (size = 3x3)) – unit cell parameters, or fractional to orthogonal (Å) matrix, required if space_group.
lattice_translations (int) – Number to search in each direction for neighbors. If unique atoms are within -0.5 to +1.5 (fractional units, most cases) then 1 should suffice. In some cases a larger search generates more neighbors - wise to check 2. Zero disables.
distance (float) – within which neighboring atoms will be found, see also Symmetry.neighbors.
tolerance (float) – neighbors to be re-identified when an atom has moved more than this amount (Å), see also Symmetry.neighbors.
completion (string or NoneType) – if ‘residue’ or ‘chain’, expand the selection of neighboring atoms to the whole group.
verbose (bool) – print diagnostics.
This instantiation assumes that the non-crystallographic symmetry, unit cell and magnification will remain constant. Refinement will require re-instantiation. RSRef currently assumes that magnification will only be refined for EM which where space_group=None, so that it is safe to instantiate only at start up.
local could be the result of symmetry.safe_eval of an input tuple of which the following is a short example:
("p", ((0.500000, 0.809000, -0.309000), (-0.809000, 0.309000, -0.500000), (-0.309000, 0.500000, 0.809000)), (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)), ("e", ((0.309000, -0.500000, 0.809000), (0.500000, 0.809000, 0.309000), (-0.809000, 0.309000, 0.500000)), (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)))
- complete(atoms, neighbors, completion=None)¶
Expand list of neighbors to include all atoms w/in residue or chain.
Requires atoms in the same residue to share the same chain and segids (even if null) and for at least one of these to be unique for the residue number.
- Parameters:
atoms (
) – object containing the chain, (segid) and residue names/ numbers corresponding to neighbors (often an untransformed set).neighbors (ndarray-like, dtype=bool, size=# atoms.) – True for atoms that are neighbors.
completion (str or NoneType) – ‘chains’, ‘residues’, ‘atoms’ aka None.
- Returns:
completed neighbors.
- Return type:
ndarray-like, dtype=bool, size=# atoms.
- debug = False¶
- equivalent(xyz, ilocal=0, ilattice=0, a_trans=0, b_trans=0, c_trans=0, anisou=None)¶
Transform coordinates by a single set of local and lattice operators.
- Parameters:
xyz (ndarray.shape(3,N)) – coordinates (Angstrom).
ilocal (int) – index of Symmetry.local operator to be applied.
ilattice (int) – index of Symmetry.lattice operator to be applied (not implemented).
a_trans (int) – unit cell translations along a axis.
b_trans (int) – unit cell translations along a axis.
c_trans (int) – unit cell translations along a axis.
anisou (Anisotropics/NoneType) – U tensors if available, else None.
- Returns:
transformed xyz, anisou
- Return type:
ndarray, Anisotropics
- inverse(i)¶
Identify the inverse of a local operator, if present.
- Parameters:
i (int) – index of original local symmetry operator
- Returns:
index of inverted operator
- Return type:
- neighbors(unique, target_atoms=None, selection=None, distance=None, lazy=True, tolerance=None, completion=None)¶
Symmetry-expand unique for all neighbors of selected atoms in target.
- Parameters:
unique (
) – atomic coordinates to be symmetry expanded.target_atoms (
or NoneType) – atoms whose neighbors from unique (and unique’s symmetry equivalents) will be found. If None, defaults to unique.selection (ndarray, dtype=bool) – subset of target atoms to use. True to select all. Defaults to target_atoms.evaluate if target_atoms defined, or True.
distance (float) – limit in Å; if None, use instantiated value.
lazy (bool) – recalculate which atoms are neighbors only if the selection unique has changed by more than tolerance
tolerance (float) – see lazy; if None, use instantiated value.
completion (str or NoneType) – if ‘residue’ or ‘chain’, expand the selection of neighboring atoms to the whole group.
- Returns:
(input atoms w/ unique.close reset, symmetry-related neighbors) unique.close will be True for atoms w/in distance of selection and not unique.evaluate. unique retains all atoms and is suitable for PDB output. Arrays of the symmetry equivalents are compressed, containing only neighboring atoms, and not necessarily whole residues or molecules suitable for output etc.
- Return type:
- repr_op(op_indices)¶
Self-documenting representation of the operator set.
- Parameters:
op_indices (tuple(int,)*5) – indices of the local & lattice operators and unit translations along each axis.
- verbose = 1¶
- with_neighbors(unique)¶
Iterate over selected atoms and (symmetry-related) neighbors.
Equivalent to Symmetry.neigbors (with default arguments), then iterating over (Atoms.evaluate | Atoms.close) for asymmetric unit and equivalent atoms.
- Parameters:
unique (
) – atomic coordinates, (NCS) asymmetric unit.- Returns:
atom type, position, occupancy, b-factor, anisotropic-Us, evaluate, close, atom number (from which equivalent generated), operators=(local, lattice, trans_a, trans_b, trans_c).
- Return type:
string, NumPy.matrix(dtype=float, shape=(3,1)), float, float, NumPy.matrix(dtype=float, shape=(3,3))/NoneType, bool, bool, int, tuple(5 int)
- class symmetry.Target(xyz, use=None, distance=3.5)¶
Atomic coordinates for which neighbors are sought.
Sphere and box that enclose target atoms and anything w/in distance.
- Parameters:
xyz (
) – atomic coordinates whose neighbors are to be found.use (ndarray, dtype=bool) – subset of atoms to use, defaults to all.
distance (float) – limit in Angstrom for neighbors to be considered close.
- debug = False¶
- isclose(xyz, distance_increase=0.0)¶
Is point w/in distance of target sphere?
- Parameters:
xyz (numpy.matrix(shape(3,1), dtype=float)) – position, Cartesian Angstrom coordinates.
distance_increase (float) – to be added to self.distance.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- isneighbor(xyz)¶
Which of N points in xyz is w/in self.distance of any target atom?
Note that this does not care about atomic properties at xyz, including whether an atom has been selected for evaluation. However, the target coordinates (for which neighbors are sought) will have previously been subject to selection criteria.
- Parameters:
xyz (numpy.matrix(shape(3,N), dtype=float)) – position, Cartesian Angstrom coordinates.
- Returns:
- Return type:
ndarray(shape=N, dtype=bool)
- symmetry.safe_eval(filename)¶