restraints module

Ancillary restraints (B-factor, stereochemistry).

Module author: Michael S. Chapman <>

Module author: Leo Selker

Module author: Davis M. Catolico


Michael S. Chapman <>

Oregon Health & Science University & University of Missouri


1, Nov 26, 2024

Changed in version 0.1.1: 08/29/11 Start

Changed in version 0.5.0: (5/2/15) ReStructured Text documentation

Changed in version 0.5.6: (10/21/15) Adding vdW restraint from Leo

Changed in version 0.5.7: (05/01/17) Starting covalent geometry restraints: bond lengths

Changed in version 0.5.8: (07/11/17) Distance (x-linking) restraints

Changed in version 0.5.9: (11/21/17) restraints: bond angle

Changed in version 1.0.0: (09/27/20) Python 2.7 –> 3.6 cmd2: optparse –> argparse: changed calls and decorators

See also

Limit() in

class restraints.Ala

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.AminoAcid

Bases: Geometry

Superclass definition of amino acid stereochemistry.

Engh R A & Huber R (1991). Acta Cryst., A47, 392-400

Subclasses Ala, Gly etc. define variations specific to the type of amino acid. Dictionary look up, keyed on tuples of the atoms defining the geometry. Values are tuples of (ideal value, estimated error). Key tuple should be defined in forward and reverse for bonds that are “symmetric” the exceptions being between different residues, i.e. Gly:C-N:Pro will be different from Pro:C-N:Gly.


Stereochemical definitions are incomplete in this class and subclasses. To be added to, with most essential geometries, but might never be complete, on the understanding that programs will restrain to starting values if ideal values are not available.


Dictionary values have been checked by running lengthDeviants(threshold=0.0) and angleDeviants(threshold=0.0) systematically for all bond different lengths, and spot-checking ~30 angles, comparing them to the orignal tables in Engh & Huber. This is not comprehensive, so users should be looking out for large deviants, in case these have resulted from inappropriate ideal values.

types = ['Ala', 'Arg', 'Asn', 'Asp', 'Cys', 'Gln', 'Glu', 'Gly', 'His', 'Ile', 'Leu', 'Lys', 'Met', 'Phe', 'Pro', 'Ser', 'Thr', 'Trp', 'Tyr', 'Val']
class restraints.Anchor(target, weight=1, selection=None)

Bases: object

Restraint on displacement of selected atoms.

Deprecated since version 0.5.0: will replace with

  • target (Atoms) – coordinates to which selected atoms in a paired coordinate set will be tethered.

  • weight (float) – multiplier for the anchor restraint.

  • selection (Selection|NoneType) – default anchor atoms in target

check(atoms, selection=None)

Assert that atoms correspond to those in target

  • atoms (Atoms) – current coordinates

  • selection (Selection|NoneType) – anchor atoms in target

end_atoms = 3

Number of atoms to anchor (by default) at the ends of an internal segment of chain.

stats(atoms, selection=None, verbose=False, check=True)

Printed statistics

  • atoms (Atoms) – current coordinates

  • selection (Selection|NoneType) – anchor atoms in target

  • check (bool) – assert that selected atoms correspond to target

class restraints.Arg

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Arguments(imports=[], main=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: Arguments

Manager for command-line arguments from main and imported modules.

This is a template to be copied into modules, for the handling of command- line options.

methods export() and domestic() should be overridden by the module subclass with declarations of the command-line arguments needed by the module.

  • imports ((list of) ArgumentParser(s)) – (list of) module(s) from which to obtain “parent” ArgumentParser objects for inclusion.

  • main (bool|NoneType) – Add information and arguments appropriate for a main program (or not); if None, will determine by whether this class is defined in __main__.


Defines options used only when main program and not when imported.


Defines options used in both stand-alone and imported modes.

class restraints.Asn

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Asp

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Brestraint(atoms, weight, group_exclusions=None)

Bases: object

Restraint on variation of adjacent atomic displacement parameters.

  • atoms (Atoms) – atomic parameters (coordinates etc).

  • weight (float) – empirical (user-adjusted) weight for the restraint.

  • group_exclusions (class Group, bool or NoneType) – intra-selection restraints are excluded within this Group of (rigid) Selections.


Atomic partial derivatives for B-factor variation restraint.


b (ndarray(type = float)) – current atomic displacement parameters (must be aligned w/ self._atoms.bonded)


weight * ∂Σj [Bi - Bj]2/∂Bj, for all j neighbors of i atoms

Return type:

ndarray(type = float)


Objective function for B-factor variation restraint.


b (ndarray(type = float)) – current atomic displacement parameters (b must be aligned with self._atoms.bonded)


Σi, j [Bi - Bj]2 * weight, for all j neighbors of i atoms

Return type:



RMS variation in B-factor for bonded atoms.


b (ndarray(type = float)) – current atomic displacement parameters (b must be aligned with self._atoms.bonded)


i, j [Bi - Bj]2)0.5, for all j neighbors of i atoms

Return type:


class restraints.ClassHolder

Bases: object

Supports referencing a class using a string.


Add a class


cls (class)

class restraints.Commands(tasks=None, initial_commands=None, py_locals={}, parser=None)

Bases: object

Optimization cmd2 commands for importing/subclassing to other modules.


This should be a sub-class of TopCmd with the commented-out super().__init__, but would need to get the tasks object through here, so giving up for now, 11/25/20.

ap1 = ArgumentParser(prog='sphinx-build', usage=None, description=None, formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, conflict_handler='error', add_help=True)

Input (and statistics) for supplementary restraints.

class restraints.CovalentRestraint(start, weight=1, parameterization=None, ideal=None, wtLength=1.0, wtAngle=1.0, verbose=True)

Bases: object

Restraint on covalent bonding.

Implemented for efficiency in torsional or rigid group refinements that are mostly constrained covalently, and where sparse restraints are needed just for the geometry between segments.


Statistics are calculated only between segments, not all-atom, and are therefore not appropriate for quality evaluation, just for monitoring progress of a refinement.

List atoms and target values for geometries to be restrained.

Distances, .. todo:: Angles and Dihedrals

  • start (Atoms) – coordinates used to (a) determine connectivity; for restraint to starting geometry if ideal targets unavailable.

  • weight (float) – multiplier for the covalent bond residual restraint, see also wtLength and other weights for individual terms.

  • parameterization (:py:class:'AtomicParameterization' or sub-class) – definition of what parameters are refining and how they depend on atomic parameters. This is used here to limit stereochemical restraints to bonds between torsional or rigid segments.

  • ideal (Dictionary) – definitions of ideal geometries

  • wtLength (float) – multiplier for the bond length term, noting that terms for each bond are additionally inverse-variance weighted, and that the overall stereochemistry weight is also applied.

  • wtAngle (float) – multiplier for the bond angle term, noting that terms for each bond are additionally inverse-variance weighted, and that the overall stereochemistry weight is also applied.

  • ~.length (list(tuple)) – i_atom_A, i_atom_B, target, sigma

  • ~.angle (list(tuple)) – i_atom_A, i_atom_B, i_atom_C, target, sigma

angleDeviants(atoms, threshold=0.0)

Deviations from ideal of covalent bond angles above threshold*esd.

  • atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates

  • threshold (float) – eg. 3.0 to print deviations >= 3 sigma.


Table of greatest deviations

Return type:


angleGrad(atoms, check=True)

Partial derivatives of bond angle restraints re: each coordinate.

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates for current (trial) structure.

  • check (bool) – cross-check vs. finite differences (takes longer).


partial derivatives of angle residuals: ∂R/∂x where R is the sum of penalties for restrained bond angles.

Return type:

ndarray[N, 3]


Davis Catolico (pseudo-code attempt, superseded by MSC)


Michael S. Chapman (rewritten)


Brynmor K. Chapman (finds commutation error)


This all needs very careful checking. It is not clear that the derivation was every proof-checked by Michael in its LaTeX typset form. It appears that the code from Davis contained syntax errors, suggesting that it was never tested or run.

For a least squares restraint:

(1)R = w (\theta_d - I)^2

where \theta_d, \theta_r are the actual bond angles in degrees, radians; I is the ideal value; and the weight w = \frac{1}{\sigma^2} is related to the estimated error, \sigma.

(2)\frac{\partial R}{\partial \vec{x}} &= 2w(\theta_d - I)\frac{180}{\pi}\frac{\partial \theta_r}{\partial \vec{x}} \\
                                    &= 2w(\theta_d - I)\frac{180}{\pi}\frac{\partial (\arccos{(u)})}{\partial \vec{x}}

(3)u = \frac{\overrightarrow{ba} \cdot \overrightarrow{bc}}{\|ba\| \|bc\|}
= \frac{\overrightarrow{ba} \cdot \overrightarrow{bc}}
{\sqrt{\overrightarrow{ba}^2 \overrightarrow{bc}^2}}

where \overrightarrow{ba} is the vector from atom b to a, and \vec{b} signifies \vec{x}_b.

(4)\frac{\partial R}{\partial \vec{x}} 
= 2w(\theta_d - I)\frac{180}{\pi}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-u^2}}
\cdot \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}

(5)\frac{\partial R}{\partial \vec{x}} = \check{C} \; 
\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}}; \qquad 
\check{C} = 2w(\theta_d - I)\frac{180}{\pi}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-u^2}}

where \frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}} depends on the positions \vec{x}_a, \vec{x}_b, \vec{x}_c of atoms a, b, c, and where \check{C} is an invariant term common to all the positional partial derivatives. The derivative \arccos{(u)} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-u^2}} is taken from eqn. 31, CRC derivatives A-62.

(6)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}} 
= \frac{\partial}{\partial \vec{x}}(tv) 
= t\frac{\partial v}{\partial \vec{x}} 
+ v\frac{\partial t}{\partial \vec{x}}

(from CRC manual A-60 Derivatives eqn. 5), where t = \overrightarrow{ba}\cdot\overrightarrow{bc} and v = \left[\| ba \|^2 \| bc \|^2\right]^{-1/2}

noting that \overrightarrow{bc} does not depend on \vec{x}_a:

(7)\frac{\partial t}{\partial \vec{x}_a} 
= \overrightarrow{bc}\cdot\frac{\partial(\vec{x}_a 
- \vec{x}_b)}{\partial \vec{x}_a} = \overrightarrow{bc}

(8)\frac{\partial v}{\partial \vec{x}_a}
= \frac{1}{\| bc \|} \frac{\partial}{\partial
\vec{x}_a} \left(\frac{1}{\| ba \|} \right)
= \frac{1}{\| bc \|} \cdot
\frac{-1}{\| ba \|^2} \cdot
\frac{\overrightarrow{ba}}{\| ba \|}
= \frac{-\overrightarrow{ba}}{\| bc \| \| ba \|^3}

(9)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_a}
= \frac{\overrightarrow{bc}}{\| ba \| \| bc \|}
- \frac{\overrightarrow{ba} \cdot \overrightarrow{bc} \cdot \overrightarrow{ba}}
{\| bc \| \| ba \|^3}


(10)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}}
= \frac{\partial}{\partial \vec{x}}\left(\frac{t}{v}\right)
= \frac{1}{v} \frac{\partial t}{\partial \vec{x}}
- \frac{t}{v^2} \frac{\partial v}{\partial \vec{x}}

(from CRC manual A-60 Derivatives eqn. 7), where t = \overrightarrow{ba}\overrightarrow{bc}; v = \sqrt{\overrightarrow{ba}^2 \overrightarrow{bc}^2}.

Noting that \overrightarrow{bc} is independent of \overrightarrow{x_a}, and can be taken outside the derivative, and that as \overrightarrow{ba} = \overrightarrow{x_a} - \overrightarrow{x_b}, \frac{\partial \overrightarrow{ba}}{\partial \overrightarrow{x_a}} = 1:

(11)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_a} 
= \frac{\overrightarrow{bc}}{\| ba \| \| bc \|}
- \frac{\overrightarrow{ba}\overrightarrow{bc}}{\| ba \|^2 \| bc \|^2}
\cdot \| bc \| \frac{\partial (\| ba \|)}{\partial \overrightarrow{x_a}}

(12)\frac{\partial (\| ba \|)}{\partial \vec{x}_a}
= \frac{\partial}{\partial \vec{x}_a} \left(\sqrt{(\overrightarrow{x_a}
- \overrightarrow{x_b}) \cdot (\overrightarrow{x_a} - \overrightarrow{x_b})} \right)

(13)\frac{\partial (\| ba \|)}{\partial \vec{x}_a}
    = \frac{1}{2\| ba \|} \frac{\partial}{\partial \overrightarrow{x_a}}
\left(\overrightarrow{x_a}^2 - 2\overrightarrow{x_a}\cdot \overrightarrow{x_b} + \overrightarrow{x_b}^2 \right)

(14)\frac{\partial (\| ba \|)}{\partial \vec{x}_a}
= \frac{1}{2\| ba \|} \left(2\overrightarrow{x_a} - 2\overrightarrow{x_b} \right)
= \frac{\overrightarrow{x_a} - \overrightarrow{x_b}}{\| ba \|}

(15)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_a}
= \frac{\overrightarrow{bc}}{\| ba \| \| bc \|}
- \frac{\overrightarrow{ba} \cdot \overrightarrow{bc} \cdot \overrightarrow{ba}}
{\| bc \| \| ba \|^3}

By symmetry:

(16)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_c} 
= \frac{\overrightarrow{ba}}{\| ba \| \| bc \|} 
- \frac{\overrightarrow{bc} \cdot \overrightarrow{ba} \cdot \overrightarrow{bc}}
{\| ba \| \| bc \|^3}

As the angle is invariant with overall translation, one can infer:

(17)\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_b} 
= -\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_a} 
+ \frac{\partial u}{\partial \vec{x}_c} \right)

angleGrad_dc(atoms, check=True)

Partial derivatives of bond angle restraints re: each coordinate.

Code author: Davis Catolico

Deprecated since version 0.5.6: Michael’s updated version is angleGrad(), but not yet tested.

angleResidual(atoms, verbose=False)

Objective function for Covalent bond angles


atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates


Return type:


angleStats(atoms, verbose=False)

RMSDs for Covalent bond angles


atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates


number of restrained bonds, weighted RMSD, unweighted RMSD

Return type:

float, float

angle_sigma = 1.0

Default estimated standard deviation for bond angles not in dictionary.


Objective function for Covalent bonding restraint


atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates


weighted sum of length, angle, dihedral residual terms

Return type:



Partial derivatives of Covalent bonding restraint re: position, occupancy


atoms (Atoms) – coordinates for current (trial) structure.


Return type:

(ndarray[N, 3],)


add occupancy into tuple


get the history for f and f_grad

  • ~.length (list(tuple)) – i_atom_A, i_atom_B, target, sigma

  • ~.angle (list(tuple)) – i_atom_A, i_atom_B, i_atom_C, target, sigma

lengthDeviants(atoms, threshold=3.0)

Deviations from ideal of covalent bond lengths above threshold*esd.

  • atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates

  • threshold (float) – eg. 3.0 to print deviations >= 3 sigma.


Table of greatest deviations

Return type:


lengthGrad(atoms, check=False)

Partial derivatives of bond length restraints re: each coordinate.

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates for current (trial) structure.

  • check (bool) – cross-check vs. finite differences (takes longer).


Σj|isin|N ∂P/∂xi, where P is the bond length penalty, for pairs of N atoms with coordinates x. P = (|xi - xj| - L)2 = (D - L)2, where L is the ideal length, so: ∂P/∂xi = 2(D - L) ∂P/∂xi = 2((D-L)/D)(xi - xj), and similarly: ∂P/∂xj = -2((D-L)/D)(xi - xj)

Return type:

ndarray[N, 3]


Add partial derivative re: occupancy, and multiply x partials by o; suggest using the minimal occupancy of the two atoms.

lengthResidual(atoms, verbose=False)

Objective function for Covalent bond lengths

The conventional least-square restraint on distance gives a gradient/residual ratio that is much higher than for density-fitting. Might want to experiment with a “softer” function.


atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates


P = Σ{W(||xi - xj| - Lideal|)}, where W is the inverse variance of the ideal length.

Return type:


lengthStats(atoms, verbose=False)

RMSDs for Covalent bond lengths


atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates


number of restrained bonds, weighted RMSD, unweighted RMSD

Return type:

float, float

length_sigma = 0.01

Default estimated standard deviation for bond lengths not in dictionary.

torsionGrad(atoms, check=True)

Partial derivatives of torsion angle sterochemical restraints re: each coordinate.

Documentation needs to be proofed:…

(18)R = w (\theta_d - I)^2

where \theta_d is the torsion angle (degrees), I is the ideal target and w = \frac{1}{\sigma^2} is a weight based on the error, \sigma.

For atoms a, b, c, d, the dihedral, \theta_r rad, around bc is given by:

(19)\arccos{(\theta_r)} = \frac{\overrightarrow{ba} \times \overrightarrow{bc}}
{\| ba \| \| bc \|} \cdot 
\frac{\overrightarrow{cb} \times \overrightarrow{cd}}
{\| bc \| \| cd \|}

No this is wrong …

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates for current (trial) structure.

  • check (bool) – cross-check vs. finite differences (takes longer).


partial derivatives of torsion angle residuals: ∂R/∂x where R is the sum of penalties for restrained bond angles.

Return type:

ndarray[N, 3]


Michael S. Chapman (rewritten)

update(hist, value)

update the history

  • hist (str) – ‘f’ or ‘f_grad’ designating the history to extend

  • value (str) – text

class restraints.Cys

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Distance_id(index, atoms, equivalent=[0, 0], symmetry=None, minimum=None, maximum=None, weight=1.0, parent=None)

Bases: object

Specific pair of atoms between which there is a distance restraint

Distance restraint

  • index ([int,int]) – indices of the two atoms

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates to which index refers

  • equivalent ([int,int]) – indices of symmetry operators applied to atoms before distance calculation; 0 for unit operator

  • symmetry (Symmetry) – object containing the operators

  • minimum (float) – minimum distance (Angstrom)

  • maximum (float) – maximum distance (Angstrom)

  • weight (float) – applied to residual component

  • parent (Distance_id|NoneType) – Distance_id from which this is being generated by symmetry or re-ordering, if applicable.


Childless version of self.


Current deviation of this pair-wise distance beyond limits.

Negative if less than minimum.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinate set


deviation (Angstrom)

Return type:



Documenting discrepancy of structure with restraint.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinate set


distance and deviation from maximum (if positive), minimum (if negative)

Return type:



Current distance between the atoms.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinate set


distance (Angstrom)

Return type:



Iterator over self & parent.

partial(atoms, check=False, asymmetric_only=False)

Partial derivatives of a distance restraint re: each coordinate.

Let G be a component of a distance deviation residual: G = wD2, where:

deviation, D = L - T; L = ((Qa - Rb)2)1/2 - T

a, b are (column) position vectors of atoms in the asymmetric unit

Q, R are (4,4) augmented symmetry operators to transform to positions, separated by distance, L, and where T is the target distance for a least-squares restraint with weight, w.

∂G/∂a = 2wD∂D/∂a;

∂D/∂a = ((Qa - Rb)/L)Q;

So, by chain rule ∂G/∂a= 2wD((Qa - Rb)/L)Q;

Similarly, ∂G/∂b= -2wD((Qa - Rb)/L)R;

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates for current (trial) structure.

  • check (bool) – cross-check vs. finite differences (takes longer).

  • asymmetric_only (bool) – non-zero only for atoms that are within the asymmetric unit, and not symmetry-expanded. This will be compatible with residuals calculated so as not to double count distances that bridge between symmetry-equivalents.


∂G/∂xi, non-zero for x = a|b

Return type:

ndarray[N, 3]


Add partial derivative re: occupancy, and multiply x partials by o; suggest using the minimal occupancy of the two atoms.


Atom-pair’s contribution to a weighted least-squares residual

The residual is halved if an atom is a symmetry equivalent and weighted by the atoms’ occupancy. Thus, cross-links between symmetry equivalents and alternate conformers are not double-counted.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinate set


weighted squared deviation * fraction of atoms in asymmetric unit

Return type:



Vector from atoms[self.index[0]] to atoms[self.index[1]].


atoms (Atoms) – coordinate set


column vector

Return type:


class restraints.Distance_input(*seq, **named)

Bases: dict

Parsed input for a distance restraint command (maximum and/or minumum).

class restraints.Distance_selection(distance, atoms)

Bases: object

Distance restraint as atoms.Selections


Need to check that this can be instantiated after symmetry-expansion.

Convert dictionary input of user text into atoms.Selections

  • ~.distance (Distance_input(dict)) – from str selection, to str selection, min, max, weight

  • atoms (Atoms) – atomic structure, already symmetry-expanded


If can’t count on atoms being symmetry-expanded, will need the ability to update self.whither and self.whence when symmetry- equivalents (or atoms therin) are added.

deviation(atomsFr, atomsTo, intramolecular=False, intermolecular=False)

Smallest deviation of |atomsFr[:,self.whither]-atomsTo[:,self.whence]| outside min, max limits

If no atom-pair falls within the distance limits, returns information on the pair closest to satisfying the limits: (deviation, indices, [[]]). If pair(s) fall(s) with the limits, then returned is (0.0, None, indices-array), where the array points to pairs of atoms that satisfy the limits.

The deviation is in Angstrom and negative if distance < min; positive if distance > max; 0 if within limits.

If none of the self.whence atoms satisfy the inter- or intra-molecular criterion than None is returned.

  • atomsFr (Atoms) – structure

  • atomsTo (Atoms) – either atomsFr or its symmetry transformation

  • intramolecular (bool) – consider only distances between atoms in same chain

  • intermolecular (bool) – consider only distances between atoms in different chains


(deviation, index-pair|None, pair-indices)|None

Return type:

(float, tuple|NoneType, ndarray(shape=(:,2))|NoneType


Consider short-cut, stopping when found a pair within limits, but note that then would not fully document all pairs.

deviation1(xyz, atoms, which=None)

Smallest deviation of |atoms[…,which&whither]-xyz| outside min, max limits

If no atom currently falls within the distance limits, returns information on the atom closest to satisfying the limits: (deviation, index, []). If atom(s) fall(s) with the limits, then returned is (0.0, None, index-array), where the array points to the atoms that satisfy the limits.

The deviation is in Angstrom and negative if distance < min; positive if distance > max; 0 if within limits.

If no atoms are in the Selection which & self.whither, returns None.

  • xyz (ndarray) – single atom position

  • atoms (Atoms) – structure

  • which (Selection) – which atoms to consider; default is self.whence


(deviation, atom_index|None, atom-indices)|None

Return type:

(float, int|NoneType, ndarray)|NoneType

deviation_sym(atoms, symmetry=None, intramolecular=False, intermolecular=False, fixWhence=False)

Between atom selections (or sym equivs), smallest deviation outside min, max limits

If no atom-pair falls within the distance limits, returns information on the pair closest to satisfying the limits: (deviation, indices, equivalents, [[]], [[]]). If pair(s) fall(s) with the limits, then returned is (0.0, None, None, indices-array, equivalents-array), where the arrays refer to pairs of atoms that satisfy the limits. Equivalents are the symmetry operations for the atoms that satisfy or come closest to satisfying the limits. 0 is used for the unit operator. Indices point to atoms in the original protomer from which the distance pair could be regenerated by application of the numbered symmetry operator. Only the local (molecular) operators from symmetry are considered, not any space group or crystal lattice operations.

The deviation is in Angstrom and negative if distance < min; positive if distance > max; 0 if within limits.

  • atoms (Atoms) – structure

  • symmetry (Symmetry) – definition of the symmetry operations

  • fixWhence (bool) – symmetry transform only the self.whither atoms; else the self.whence atoms as well

  • intramolecular (bool) – consider only distances between atoms in same chain

  • intermolecular (bool) – consider only distances between atoms in different chains


(deviation, index-pair|None, pair-indices)

Return type:

(float, tuple|NoneType, tuple|NoneType, ndarray(shape=(:,2), ndarray(shape=(:,2))


ValueError – if no atoms pairs satisfy input criteria


Consider short-cut, stopping when found a pair within limits, but note that then would not fully document all pairs.

class restraints.Distances(atoms, symmetry=None)

Bases: object

Restraints for minimal and maximal distances, suitable for x-linking.

Restraints are defined by add() which searches through selected atoms, and their symmetry equivalents, looking for pairs that satisfy the minimum and maximum limits. If none, the pair that is closest is identified, and it is this deviation that contributes to the refinement residual.


These atom identifications are currently not updated. This will avoid discontinuities in gradient and function evaluation, for smooth refinement, but will not impose restraints if a previously satisfied restraint is violated, and will not switch to a new atom pair if another becomes closest.


An update() method that will re-evaluate the atom pairings, and a with_update option to calculate(). Test to see if the discontinuities can be tolerated.

Initialize restraints for ancillary distances (eg. cross-links).

  • atoms (Atoms) – structure

  • symmetry (Symmetry) – object with which to generate equivalents

add(from_all, to_any, intramolecular=False, intermolecular=False, minimum=None, maximum=None, weight=1.0)

Add a distance restraint

  • from_all (str) – to be parsed into a Selection of atoms, all of which are subject to the restraint

  • to_any (str) – to be parsed into a Selection to atoms, any one of which is to be used as the restraint target for each atom in from_all

  • intramolecular (bool) – consider only distances between atoms in same chain

  • intermolecular (bool) – consider only distances between atoms in different chains

  • minimum (float) – distance in Angstrom

  • maximum (float) – distance in Angstrom

  • weight (float) – for harmonic flat-well distance potential

calculate(atoms, verbose=False)

Calculate residual & partial derivatives with respect to coordinates

Iterates over distances that have been input, and their symmetry equivalents, summing the least-squares residual and its partial partial derivatives for atoms in the asymmetric unit.

Partials are returned as a tuple for future support of occupancy partials.

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinate set

  • verbose (bool) – print statistics


residual, partials

Return type:

float, (ndarray(shape=(3,N)),)


Support for occupancy refinement with return of dbydocc.


Documentation of how each restaint was generated


List of objects specifiying either a distance restraint or pairs of atoms that already satisfy it

class restraints.Geometry

Bases: object

Superclass for definition/retreival of residue’s ideal stereochemistry.

angle(*atoms, **opts)

Restraint for a bond angle at the middle atom.

The middle atom should in in the residue-type defined by the sub-class.

  • *atoms (str) – three atom names

  • prior (str) – residue type of 1st atom if different from 2nd.

  • next (str) – residue type of 2nd atom if different from 2nd.

bond(*atoms, **opts)

Restraint for a bond length.

  • *atoms (str) – two atom names

  • linked (str) – 2nd residue type if atoms bridge 2 residues.


ideal value, estimated error (Angstrom)

Return type:

float, float


KeyError – if not found

class restraints.Gln

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Glu

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Gly

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.His

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Ile

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Leu

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Lys

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Met

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.OldArguments(imports=[], main=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ArgumentParser

Command-line arguments for optimization restraints

  • imports (list) – method(s) adding arguments to ArgumentParser instance. (Alternative to ArgumentParser parents w/ better maintained groups.)

  • main (bool) – Parser for main program (i.e. not listed within an ArgumentParser parents argument). Adds default program information.

static export(self)
class restraints.PairIDs(atom_indices, atoms, which_operators=None, symmetry=None)

Bases: object

Matched arrays of indices for atom pairs and their symmetry operators.

Store arrays of index-pairs/operators and list the corresponding operator names.

  • atom_indices (ndarray((N,2))) – pairs of indices for Atoms coordinates.

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates

  • which_operators (ndarray((N,2))) – operator indices for each of the indexed atoms.

  • symmetry (Symmetry) – object storing the symmetry operators / names.

class restraints.Phe

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Pro

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.RestraintsSubCommands(parent, prompt='sub-command')

Bases: SubCmd

Sub-commands for supplementary restraints.

  • parent (TopCmd instance) – Cmd object whence this call was made, usually self.

  • prompt (str) – concatonated with the parent’s prompt.

ap2 = ArgumentParser(prog='sphinx-build', usage=None, description='SELECTION_1 [AND] SELECTION_2', formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, conflict_handler='error', add_help=True)

Add a distance (cross-linking) restraint.

do_information(arg=None, opts=None)

Report statistics on ancillary restraints.

class restraints.Ser

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Tasks

Bases: object

Holder of restraints task methods to be subclassed by other programs.

Superclass for restraints-related common tasks.


If this class defines pre-requisites on which other tasks depend, then this superclass must be instantiated before the other tasks are defined. If this class depends on pre-requisites defined elsewhere, then it must be instantiated afterwards. It may not be possible to satisfy both requirements!


Set up / report ancillary restraints (B-factor, distance).


information (bool) – report statistics only, then quit.


rms deviations (B-factors, distances).

Return type:

tuple of float(s)|NoneType

restraints_distance(*args, **kwargs)

Add a distance (cross-linking) restraint.

restraints_distance_prereq(*args, **kwargs)

Pass-through, trying to meet the prerequisites.


Report ancillary restraints (B-factor, distance).


verbose (bool) – information on individual distance restraints.


rms deviations (B-factors, distances).

Return type:

tuple of float(s)|NoneType

restraints_information_prereq(*args, **kwargs)

Pass-through, trying to meet the prerequisites.


Pass-through, trying to meet the prerequisites.

class restraints.Thr

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Trp

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.Tyr

Bases: AminoAcid

class restraints.VDWRestraint(atoms, weight=1, parameterization=None, symmetry=None, max_shift=1.0, radiiPath=None, exclude_ss=True, same_conformer=True, conformer_coupling=0.0)

Bases: object

Restraint on overlapping van der Waal radii of atoms

Excludes all pairs of SG atoms on basis that might be disulfide.

Changed in version Reimplemented: to reduce incapacitating memory usage. Previously stored several (natom, natom) float matrices, and now stores only boolean matrices designating which interactions to recalculate, now every time. Nearly 100x faster.


Does not support “open” symmetry, only closed symmetry in which repeated application of the same operator returns you to the starting point. Algorithms use efficiencies of closed symmetry in searching for potential contacts. Closed symmetry includes all crystal symmetry and most molecular symmetry, but not all non-crystallographic symmetry.


applies the full restraint to atoms with partial occupancies, ignoring the possibility that in multi-conformer structures, conformers might be selected in mutually compatible (non-overlapping) ways.


account for open symmetry


account for states that are only sometimes occupied

  • atoms (Atoms) – coordinates (used to extract atom types etc., but positions will be updated for each restraint calculation).

  • weight (float) – multiplier for the vdW residual restraint.

  • parameterization (:py:class:'AtomicParameterization' or sub-class) – definition of what parameters are refining and how they depend on atomic parameters. This is used here to limit calculation of vdW overlap & partials to those that will affect moving atoms.

  • symmetry (Symmetry/NoneType) – defines molecular & lattice symmetry, if any.

  • radiiPath (str) – file name for a python dictionary to extend or over-ride default vdW radii.

  • max_shift (float) – maximum expected change in atomic coordinates, used in pre-calculating possible contacts.

  • exclude_ss (bool) – exclude contacts between pairs of SG atoms on the assumption that they are CYS residues and, if close, they are likely disulfide-bridged.

  • same_conformer (bool) – overlap is only considered between atoms from the same conformer (A, B, …) or if one of the pair is single- conformer (no letter).

  • conformer_coupling (float) – NOT IMPLEMENTED YET… if 1.0, minimal overlap will be calculated, assuming that alternate conformers (where present) completely resolve any overlap. This could be a reasonable approximation if “common atom” models and pseudo-symmetry in rotamers were considered (neither currently supported). If conformer_coupling=0.0, conformer selections are assumed to be uncoupled (random) and therefore the restraint is multiplied by the product of the two atoms’ occupancies. Both are approximations, coupled likely to underestimate vdW overlap and uncoupled likely to overestimate. Intermediate values 0.0 < conformer_coupling < 1.0 will lead to a weighted sum of the two approaches. Note that inappropriate (un)coupling could lead to over- or under- estimation of the conformational diversity if their occupancies are being refined.


~.distance – cut-off used to determine from the initial structure which atom pairs might get close enough for van der Waals repulsion. This distance is also used as the cut-off for the generation of symmetry equivalents, unless the equivalents have already been generated with a larger cut-off.

..warning:: If the degree of coupling is not appropriately approximated,

then refinement of conformer occupancies can be biased by over- or under-estimating the degree of real van der Waals overlap. Should consider whether really need to use the restraint when refining conformer occupancies.

..warning:: Currently considering refinement of the occupancies of

rotamers generated on the fly, but this class will only consider positions explicitly defined in the atomic coordinates.


Exclude contacts from different PDB-defined conformers.


Exclude contacts w/in same residue, assuming that they will be handled by stereochemical constraints / restraints.


Handling of hydrogens. The default radii assume that hydrogens are explicitly defined, but most (low resolution) structures do not include them.

class Status(parent, atoms)

Bases: object

Status of vdW contacts.

  • parent (VDWRestraint) – self of the owning class

  • atoms (Atoms) – current coordinates

connectivityExclusion = 3

Atoms connected by this or fewer bonds will be excluded from the restraint.

E.g. if atoms a, b, c, d are bonded: a–b–c–d, then all pair except a … d will be excluded.

In other’s refinements, torsion angles would be restrained explicitly, not through vdW (connectivityExclusion = 3), and even without torsional restraints a value of 3 might be needed to avoid locking dihedrals to exactly staggered conformations. With a value of 2, expect dihedrals to be regularized.

distance = 5

Neighbors within at least distance will used in vdW calculations.

The actual distance might be larger, if symmetry-equivalent neighbors have previously been calculated with a larger distance.


Objective function for VDW restraint


atoms (Atoms) – current (trial) coordinates


V = w Σi|isin|N Σj|isin|N {(|xi - xj| - (ri + rj)}p, where V is the van der Waals penalty summed over pairs of N atoms with positions x and radii, r, and where p is self.power and w is the product of self.weight and self.weightFactor

Return type:



Multiply by the occupancies for simplest approach


Multiply by sum of occupancies - 1, assuming fully coordinated conformers/rotamers with the simplification that the other conformers do not have atoms that form the same vdW contacts.


Partial derivatives of vdW restraint re: each coordinate.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinates for current (trial) structure.


Σj|isin|N ∂V/∂xi, where V is the van der Waals penalty, for pairs of N atoms with coordinates x.

Return type:

(ndarray[N, 3],)


Does not properly account for open symmetry. Does not work with open symmetry because it ignores certain interactions. If atoms a and b, and their symmetry equivalents a’ and b’, were arranged:

a --- b
b'--- a'

Then motion of a in the y direction would affect the residual of b in a way not taken into account here. Fixing this would greatly increase the computational cost.


Multiply by the occupancies for simplest approach


Multiply by sum of occupancies - 1, assuming fully coordinated conformers/rotamers with the simplification that the other conformers do not have atoms that form the same vdW contacts.


Add partial derivative re: occupancy, and multiply x partials by o. QQQ Returning as a tuple, so that dfbydocc can be added.


get the history for f and f_grad

get_neighbors(atoms, cache=True)

Get the neighbors, using the symmetry module.

  • atoms (Atoms) – Unique set of coordinates.

  • cache (bool) – try using cached neighbor matrix & radii if change < self.max_shift (always updating the coordinates)


symmetry-expanded coordinates, their vdW radii, boolean matrix of which are potentially close

Return type:

Atoms, ndarray, ndarray


options to exclude same residue, conformer

static matrix_bonded(bonds, bondsExcluded=0)

calculate higher degree of bonding connectedness and returns it in matrix form

  • bonds (list) – the bonds lists

  • bondsExcluded (int) – atom pairs separated by < = bondsExcluded bonds be excluded.


matrix with 1 if atoms within bondsExcluded, else 0.

Return type:

numpy.matrix(shape = (n, n), dtype = int)

power = 2

Pauli exclusion repels overlapping atoms with force = k.r^11.

This would be too harsh for smooth optimization, so a softer exponent (2) should be used - entirely empirical.

radius = {'AS': 2.0, 'BR': 1.95, 'C': 1.7, 'CL': 1.8, 'CU': 1.4, 'F': 1.35, 'H': 1.2, 'I': 2.15, 'N': 1.5, 'O': 1.4, 'P': 1.9, 'S': 1.8, 'SB': 1.85, 'SE': 2.0, 'TE': 2.2}

Default vdW radii.

radiiPath is a hook to enable this to be user over-ridden or extended. However, radiiPath is not yet available as an input argument.

Atoms that are not listed will be given a default radius of 1.5 A.


van der Waals statistics.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinates.


object containing number and rms of overlaps, as well as list of worst infractions.

Return type:


update(hist, value)

update the history

  • hist (str) – ‘f’ or ‘f_grad’ designating the history to extend

  • value (str) – text

weightFactor = 50

The restraint weight is internally scaled by this, in addition to the user-entered weight. (Avoids user-entered weights being numerically large.)

class restraints.Val

Bases: AminoAcid


Grab 2 atom selections from arg.

  • arg (list(str)) – command arguments

  • kwargs (dict) – command options

Return dict restraint_entry:

Distance_input dictionary, verbose=False)

Identify pairs of Cys sulfur atoms.


atoms (Atoms) – coordinates


A_i,j is True when i & j are both SG atoms

Return type:

ndarray(shape=(natom, natom), dtype=bool)